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Go from Stuck to Ease with Your Tech
Borrow my brain for a 60-minute Voxer laser coaching session to get clear on your tech stack, implementation, and next steps for growing your business with ease going forward.
"I'm stuck, overwhelmed, and I don't know what to do next!"

Does this sound familiar? 

Yes? Keep reading. (the rest is probably true as well) 

 While you’re overwhelmed on what to do to next with your tech stack or creating a process, you know that the answer ISN’T… 

  Another time-consuming DIY course that teaches the same old same old and doesn’t guarantee to solve your problems 

  A lengthy 1-on-1 coaching contract that costs a fortune 

  Continuing down the rabbit hole of trying everything without being able to figure out what to choose or do next

I promise you aren't alone in the overwhelm!

Precision Strategy on Voxer to the Rescue!
So . . . What is Voxer? 

Voxer is a walkie-talkie app that allows us to exchange voice and text messages. If you already know how to communicate through a messaging app, you can use Voxer.

How does a Precision Strategy Session Work? 
You'll get to choose a day and time for your Precision Strategy Session:

We'll start by choosing your day and time for your Precision Strategy Session. You might be surprised to know you don't need to clear your calendar for this. 

You won't be glued to your phone the whole time. I actually encourage you to have "normal" time. It will likely bring up questions or aha! moments. 

The power of Voxer comes from allowing for space to process and sit with everything we'll chat about. It's not like being in a zoom meeting. 

We get you set up on Voxer:
If you don’t have a Voxer account, you’ll create one – it’s free. We’ll add each other on Voxer, and you can send me a message in advance to tell me more about what’s troubling you. This way, we can dive right in when your session starts.

Prepare for your Precision Strategy Session:

Make a list of anything you're struggling with, want support on, or are ready to implement with help. You're going to want to pick 1-2 things to focus on for a Laser session. 

We'll work on processing, implementing, and planning the next steps. 

I will send you a message to kick off your Precision Strategy Session. We'll spend 60 minutes getting into the details and working on your action plan.

Wrapping Up Your Precision Strategy Session:
As we end our session, I'll summarize everything and provide you with some clear action steps. Depending on what's discussed, I might also record some additional training videos as needed.

By the end of our time together, you'll have a clear plan of action for moving forward.

You are such an extra-ordinary savior for the tech-challenged masses. It's devastating how much time I spend dicking around trying to find a easier way to accomplish something that I think should be easy and I still haven't gotten used to having someone in my corner who has all the answers. Thanks for always having an answer and/or option.


Denise J. 
Entrepreneur, Business Owner

I've had the pleasure of meeting Anna this year (2023) and I'll say, it doesn't matter how long you know another when they're a kindred spirit! Now, do I know tech? Oh, Hells no... But Anna is confident, supportive, timely, and brings Tech Language from jibberish down to a second grader level. And I'll tell you, I'm *not offended* by that! Recently, she helped me get my email working more efficiently and she's offered genius tech advice for getting my upcoming membership community off the ground.

Virginia J.
Entrepreneur, Business Owner
Hi, I'm Anna! 

I believe in using technology so that it helps you focus on what you do best and putting processes in place to remove you from the minutiae and headache of the admin side of your business. Helping you implement systems and process so your business works for you and the way you work is my jam!

That's what this custom Precision Strategy Session is all about! Me helping you to get the clarity and action you need right now so that you CAN focus on what lights you up without worrying about all the things that make your head feel like it's going to explode.  


Think of this as my eyes on your business...  

We can look at everything you have, figure out what's missing, what you need that will actually help you and then start putting the pieces together. 

 It's kinda like cleaning out the attic . . . I'm going to come in, ask you some questions, then we'll figure out your IDEAL next step to get you to where YOU want to be, clearing out the dust bunnies along way. I can't wait to get started!

Questions? I've got the answers!
  • How do I book my Precision Strategy Session?
    Upon purchasing a Precision Strategy Session , you'll be prompted to book in a time then. You'll then receive further instructions on how to set up your Voxer access to me and what happens next.
  • I've never used Voxer. Can you explain how it works?
    Of course! If you're familiar with other apps like FB Messenger or WhatsApp, or any direct messaging app, then Voxer is not that different.

    It's both text and voice based. You can put it on 'walkie talkie' mode if you want to deliver short audio messages, or turn that mode off and record as long as you want.

    Prefer to text? Then you can. You can also include links and images.

    The app is free (although I do recommend the paid option if you want to keep your messages. It's $3 per month USD) and can be downloaded to your phone or you can use the browser version.

    You can see it in action here:
  • Can I buy now and book my Precision Strategy Session later?
    While I'd love to provide you with unlimited options, my boundaries are firmly in place. You can book your Precision Strategy session 90 days out. My schedule and availability changes, so right now, that's as far out as you can schedule.
  • How does this work if we're in different time zones?
    Voxer makes this easy. A Precision Strategy Session can be booked anytime between 7am MT to 8pm MT. Meaning that most time zones get a good chunk of that time. Especially those in the Western Hemisphere.

  • What happens if I need to reschedule?
    Totally understandable. As the saying goes “shit happens”. Sometimes life gets in the way.

    It’s easy to reschedule via the appointment booking system. As long as there’s a 24-hour notice prior to rescheduling.
  • How much time is included in the Precision Strategy Session?
    60-90 minutes

    We’ll be exchanging messages throughout that time at a steady yet relaxed pace.
  • How much time should I set aside for this experience?
    Enough for to be able to listen and reply to the messages. We will be going back and forth in a steady yet relaxed pace throughout our time.

    You will retain access to your step-by-step guides and videos to refer back to later as well.
Book Your Precision Strategy Session Now!

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Precision Strategy Session$12

  • Total payment
  • 1xPrecision Strategy Session$12

All prices in USD